There are two main input methods that I use from the Continue plugin (Installation Instructions from Part 1).
- Getting a response back in the Continue plugin and maintaining context.
- Use /edit and having the results displayed as a diff directly in the code.
Let's take a look at a few examples. The final output for these are available on github. All examples were run from an M1 MacBook Pro with 32GB RAM running ollama and the DeepSeek 6.7B model.
Creating Code in the Continue Console
Simple Example
Command+L to start a new session and open the Continue prompt
prompt: create a pom file for a spring boot application with spring jdbc, spring mvc, and flyway support
This has some older version numbers, so I tried again with a new session
prompt: create a pom file for for java 21 for a spring boot 3.2.3 application with spring jdbc, spring mvc, and flyway support
Here is part of the result. The full file is available on github.
A bit odd that there is a dependency in a dependency. I'm going to try to find better prompts in the next blog post.
Creating more code from an existing context
The prompt can be aware of previous prompts. Here is an example using SQL. Command+L to start a new prompt. (Until you start a new session, Continue will keep the current context.)
Step 1
prompt: Create flyway migration for postgreSQL to create an information table with a generated UUID primary key, a required 2000 character description, and required json data
Step 2
prompt: Create a postgreSQL user table with a user name primary key and a required 2000 character full name
Step 3
prompt: Create a postgreSQL rating table with references to the previous two tables and a required integer rating
The prompt was still in the same context, so I could reference the previous two commands.
It did create the SQL with a surrogate primary key. Usually a good idea, but maybe not necessary here.
Step 4
prompt: Same again, but use the two foreign keys as a compound primary key
This removed “id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- Auto-incrementing integer ID”
user_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL REFERENCES users(user_name), -- References the 'users' table
info_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES information(id), -- References the 'information' table
rating INTEGER NOT NULL, -- The required integer rating
PRIMARY KEY (user_name, info_id) -- Makes user_name and info_id together a primary key
Creating code from existing code
Highlight the generated information table ddl from the previous section.
Command+Shift+L for a new prompt
prompt: Create a class using spring jdbc to insert and update
prompt: And add delete
Adding delete works because the prompt has the original ddl in context as well as the previous prompt.
public void deleteInformation(UUID id) {
jdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM information WHERE id = ?", id.toString());
Creating code directly in the source
Adding code to a specific file
Create a file called and highlight a blank line
Command+L (The first file selected is the default destination for the generated output)
Highlight the create users ddl (generated earlier)
prompt: /edit Add method using namedJdbcTemplate to insert a user (the /edit has to be typed, the rest of the prompt can be pasted)
Command+Shift+Enter to save
Adding code to existing code
When adding code to directly to a file there is not as much context as creating code in Continue.
Highlight the addUser method
Command+Shift+L (trying to keep the same context, but does not quite work)
prompt: /edit add update method below addUser method
Command+Shift+Enter to save (Without the below clause, the update method will overwrite the add method)
public void updateUser(String oldUserName, String newUserName, String newFullName) {
String sql = "UPDATE users SET user_name=:newUsername, full_name=:newFullName WHERE user_name=:oldUsername";
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("newUsername", newUserName);
parameters.addValue("newFullName", newFullName);
parameters.addValue("oldUsername", oldUserName);
namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update(sql, parameters);
Hopefully this is enough to get started. Next I'm going to try to get better outputs from different prompts.
A few more
I tried a few more prompts, listed below, so there are a few more files in github.
- Highlight the rating table sql (Command+L). Create a class using namedjdbctemplate to insert and update.
- What is the command to create a vite project for React and typescript?
These are two useful ways to generate code. Next I'm going to try to get better outputs from different prompts.
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